
I love you Rachel Lea!

I remember the first time I saw this cute girl. It was in the "diamond" in Centennial Middle School. She was giving all the girls hugs during passing period. She was so nice. I loved her from the start! I told myself I wanted to be her friend. Well here we are 5 years later and best of friends! Rachel Garlitz is the best friend ANYONE could ask for. She is the most real and sincere person I've ever met. She's no fake, or flake. She knows just exactly what to say. She's such an amazing listener. I love that I can tell her anything and she'll keep any secret. Rachel has the best advice! Seriously. I'll come to her with a problem, and she'll have a solution. She has a strong testimony. I love that we can do anything or absolutely nothing and we'll have so much fun together! I love her laugh. It makes me so happy! I should have put this one first, but she is such a BEAUTY! She's so beautiful, yes she is. She has the greatest curly hair that I would die for! She's caring and thoughtful. I thank my Heavenly Father that she was sent into my life. She has literally helped me survive high school. Ray has helped me become the person I am today. I don't know what I'd do without her! I can honestly say, without a doubt, that we'll be best friends forever and ever.

Day 7- My Best Friend

Singing at Temple Square!
Dole Whips and Disneyland :)
Mulan and Mushu!
I love you Ray!
Thank you for being who you are and changing my life for the better.
Best. Friends. Forever.

P.S. Skype? It's gonna happen :)


  1. LOVE! i love rach. and i love you! so glad we roomed in Cali!

  2. JEMIMAH!!!! you are the nicest best friend a girl could ever ask for! i love you with all of my heart!! get ready for my best friend post!!
